St John’s of England Primary School


Our Curriculum Intent

PSHE is taught throughout the school and is incredibly important for our children. We believe it offers the children an opportunity to develop their social, moral, spiritual and cultural views and also offers each class teacher the opportunity to reinforce our core Christian and British values.

Our teachers use Jigsaw as a scheme of work to follow and enjoy the mindful approach to PSHE. Every year group follows the same six units across the year: Being Me in My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me and then undertake work that is age appropriate to each class.

Children at St John’s love our PSHE sessions and our goal is for the attitudes and positive behaviours it builds to become a natural part of the everyday life around the school. The children feel safe and happy to talk and share, and offer each other advice in a mature and sensible manner.

We have eight children from across KS2 in our Social Scholars team. They are a group of children who embody the values of St John’s and have proven themselves to be excellent friends and role models socially.

Useful Documents

Jigsaw PSHE & RSE Overview

PSHE & RSE Curriculum Map

Supporting SEN in PSHE/RSE at St. John's